Monday, March 10, 2008

Sam Moik

Der Sam-Der Sam-Der Moik-Moik-Moik...Moik-Moik-Moik. Sam was a moik, a real nice ugly moik without a trace. He took a shitty trip to the North Pole and there he hoped to find his fellow citizens, but instead of that he found only sheep. They greeted him with "moik-moik-moik", because they recognized him as one of their kind. He stayed there, played computer games, found the queen, molested her, and then he returned home for Hannuka. He sang the entire time "Moik-Moik-Moik" and pretended he was Santa Claus, but people didn't believe him, because he looked like sheep. That's why we should be careful of weirdos like him, especially when they cannot speak english.

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